3 Important Tips for High Fantasy Book Writing

Fantasy writing has been an aspiration for writers of all age groups. Moreover, whether an aspiring author or an experienced one, anyone can captivate readers through fantasy writing if done right. But even after being a fantasy book author, many don’t know high fantasy writing and those who do hesitate writing for high fantasy. For all those fantasy book authors, here are some useful tips for captivating high fantasy.

What is High Fantasy?

One of the great names in writing fantasy fiction books, Lloyd Alexander came with the term ‘high fantasy’ for the first time in 1971, where he titled an essay published in The Horn Book Magazine as “High Fantasy and Epic Romance”. The Chronicles of Prydain author described it as a fiction fantasy shown in parallel or secondary worlds. By that time, most of the fantasy books were set on our actual world with some magical creatures, events, characters, and more.

The most common attribute of high fantasy has been its setting of an alternate world. If you are planning to become a high fantasy book author, here are the tips to win it.

Study Classic High Fantasy

There’s no denying that a good author needs to be a good reader too. Similarly, to write high fantasy well, you need to read it. One of the best works of high fantasy that you can try is Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Now, the question rises- How do you collect the best insights that can help you in your high fantasy novel?

Examine the Setting: Explore the essentials kept in creating a complex and immersive world. Think of how villages or streets are set. Where are the locations set and what is the significance of these locations.

Examine Character Development: If you are already into fantasy fiction books, you may know the importance of character development. Examine how characters are introduced and how certain events help to build their characters.

Examine the Logic: When you read a nicely written high-quality fantasy novel, it never leaves you confused about why do things worked that way. Of course, there is magic involved, but there are also relationships defined perfectly between characters and even between civilizations.

Avoid Clichés of High Fantasy 

While fantasy lovers may want some common features of the genre to be included, no one excepts mythical creatures such as dragons or centaurs anymore. Similarly, there are other things that you should avoid in your high fantasy writing. However, this does not mean that you cannot use mythical creatures at all.

Make Complex Characters

Everyone expects a warrior to be brave. Everyone expects a princess to be graceful. Stereotyping leads to assumptions and you can play with these assumptions quite well by making complex characters that break these stereotypes. In high fantasy fiction books, characters should surprise the readers with their personas and secrets.

To know more about fantasy writing, get in touch with the author of a popular fantasy novel The Villain's Reason- Alani Santamarina. You can learn to escape the limitations of reality with her new-age fantasy fiction.


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