Top 4 Children's Fantasy Picture Books to Try

They often say that fantasy books are meant for children but when it comes to checking out creativity, age is never a bar. Moreover, we are talking about fantasy fiction, a genre widely popular for a huge diversity, wide imagination, and plenty of options to try. If we have to wrap up the names of all the greats of fantasy picture books, we will probably end up filling a separate book with just names. So, let’s not talk about everything and just focus on kids. We decided to bring you a list of 4 amazing fantasy books for kids that can inspire your young one’s mind.

Laura Numeroff- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Laura has perfectly depicted how one thing leads to another with her story about a boy who offers a cookie to a mouse which makes the mouse thirsty for milk. This further goes on for straw and then a mirror and so on until the beautiful fantasy picture book. So, some adults there may question how that’s a fantasy. Let me ask you this- when was the last time a mouse came to you for a cookie? This is one of the best children’s fantasy picture books where Laura may have just ended your kids fear of mouse.

Dr. Seuss- Fox in Socks

Mr. Knox is a long-suffering guy and this story continues the troubles of Mr. Knox. Fox in Sox jots down increasingly complicated tongue-twisters who goads down Knox to participate in these tongue-twisters. The hero of the story though, Knox finally gets to say the most difficult word to pronounce. Where’s the fantasy in this? You can only know when you will read the best children's book author to your kid.

Alani Santamarina- A Place Where We All Belong

Is your kid someone who has always loved animals? This might be the book for him or her. Alani Sanatamarina explains how a snow leopard goes on a quest to find the place where she belongs. This is one of the best adventure books for kids. It is full of beautiful events and the way the young writer describes it with pictures can help many young minds to get inspired and work hard for they want in life.

Chris Van Dusen- If I Built a House

There are several things you want to put in your dream home but how can your kids imagine things that a home should have? This story is narrated by Jack, who has it all planned. He wants a racing room, a flying room, an aquarium room, and whatnot in his house. Let your kid explore the fantasy in this one of the best children’s fantasy fiction books.


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